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2024 Magazine

We are very pleased and excited to announce that the 2024 Aberdeen Grammar School Digital Magazine, published by the Aberdeen Grammar School Former Pupils’ Club is now available.

Please note that there are no printed copies available, but the online magazine is available to download as a PDF.

Welcome from the Chairman

It is a great honour and privilege to take the steering wheel for our club. I do so with some trepidation having succeeded Alan Campbell who has provided sterling and dedicated service to the club for the past 8 years – he is a really hard act to follow.

In taking the helm I am so delighted to have a new and enthusiastic Executive Committee to work on new initiatives and directions for the club – news of those new directions will follow in future newsletters and on our dedicated and proactive website. 

In handling the evolution of our Club it is so important to retain excellent communications with Members and trying to replicate the amazing work by our ex-Executive member, Iain Hopkin (Hoppy to so many) is really challenging. Behind the scenes Hoppy is continuing to provide much support to me, our long-standing treasurer, John Michie and critically this year’s vice-Chairman, Stuart Cummings who has so generously agreed to take on the additional role of Acting Secretary. His fantastic work will be obvious to all as you read this Newsletter.

I also want to mention Neil Lawrie this year’s president. I am so enjoying working with Neil who is already representing the club at school and public events. In addition, he is providing a really important advisory role to me and in that is replicating the work of Ken McHardy last year’s president who worked so well with Alan Campbell.

Finally I am keen to summarise some of my main aims as chairman. These include enhancing our communication with, and support to the School, ensuring we are providing services to recent school graduates to encourage the future of our club and giving increased prominence and facilities to our female members. Much work is required to build on a the strong base left by our previous Chair and his Executive. If you the reader have any suggestions please do contact me at chairman@agsfp.com

Professor David Reid

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